You were in Cherry Hill, across the Delaware River from Philly? Over the old Ben Franklin bridge. the date was I believe 1990? I know Cherry Hill myself. Went to 'Emerald City' a bunch of times. No Munchkins - just a rock’n’roll venue and dance club. All history now.
Across the river in Philly, I remember the Philly cops struggling with MOVE. They proceeded to torch a block or two of the city? That was again in the 80s. Likewise, Billy Joel sang about Allentown. A song about the demise of Bethlehem Steel in the Lehigh Valley. A little further away John Cougar Mellencamp was singing bout the farmers.
All Mid-80s but here you are attending an Amway meeting in 1990 in Cherry Hill, home of Emerald City. Honestly, all of these have been elements of America for a long time. The Amway meeting seems like an old fashion revival. You just have to believe. We just need to revive our faith. Almost like my Alice Cooper Concert at Emerald City in 81. . . Almost. He was at that point trying to re-engage - too much coke.
NAFTA is signed in 1993. The internet was discovered about the same time - the ultimate highway that leads ultimately beyond Walmart to Amazon. In 95 there was the Oklahoma City bombing. And then 911 happens and we have a decade plus of wars that few actually participate in.
Jump to 2016. Trump is now offering up his version of the old fashion Christian / Bible revival, the Amway event. . . MAGA, complete with a cap. And you get the directions and all the other details for those rallies from your phone. And the pictures we took at them are still on the phone.
An iPhone or a Droid today is beyond anything that IBM was offering in 1990 to the Fortune 500. No comparison. How is that possible? We just take them for granted now. Now the revival is on the phone. They played a role in the Arab spring, and they certainly played a role at the Capitol back on January 6th.
Desperation, community, globalization, and technology. Anything else? It is late.