You are upset that Biden is offering free community college? That is the only thing you reference. There was perhaps one other, but I am too lazy to go through all that verbiage. Maybe Biden does need to look at what he is spending, but this essay could likewise use an editing.
Add to that that you really should look at what Ike was responsibile for. He might have provided you with that quote, but he is known for two things: A warning regarding the military Industrial complex and our Interstate Highway system.
It is the later, the interstate highway system, I point to. It was his administration that began that project. And I would add one other project that Ike ran with - the federal government's entry into the mortgage business. Initiated by FDR, but fully embraced by Ike's administration. It is because of interstate highways and freely accessible mortgages that we have suburbia, subdivisions, and malls today, and that is largely America.
It was these two, interstates and easily available mortgages, that killed our cities, our downtowns, and main streets. It was these two that gave us suburban sprawl, and ultimately helps accelerate global warming.
Now you can simply respond that you quote the man, but that is not an endorsement of his big government policies. I would suggest, however, that with a country the size of the US, with a diverse population of 330 million, and all with various agendas, likes, dislikes, goals and so forth, your view, your bifurcation, is too simplistic.
And if we really want to examine what we are giving away, let us begin with oil subsidies.