My Story, a tale of Led Zeppelin and Daniel Dennett. . .Walking this morning I came across what I first thought was a Zeppelin Tribute act. You know, a cover band that focuses exclusively upon a…Apr 21, 2024Apr 21, 2024
Possible Worlds, History, and IVF. . .So, I watched the Man in the High Tower like a month ago now. And for those who have not watched the series, it is basically premised on…Feb 26, 2024Feb 26, 2024
Unprecedented SituationsI am a recruiter by trade and I am currently recruiting for a role that involves a heavy focus on contract negotiation and vendor…Jan 23, 2024Jan 23, 2024
Maybe it is just our Lawyers, Guns & Money?I am in the midst of reading Steven Pinker’s The Better Angels of Our Nature. The book basically argues that despite all the chaos in the…Jan 21, 2024Jan 21, 2024
Streams, Rivers, and Books. . .Watching the Man in the High Castle. Amazon’s take on the Phillip Dick’s novel exploring the lives of handful of folks in a world where…Jan 6, 2024Jan 6, 2024
Asylum Seekers and RefugeesWe are today dealing with millions of asylum seekers in the United States. I do not think that is an exaggeration. Not much of one if at…Sep 17, 2023Sep 17, 2023
Two Hypotheticals: A Christian versus a Christian ArtistThere are two ways, well at least two ways, to engage the hypothetical that the Supreme Court decided upon on Friday. The first is that you…Jul 2, 2023Jul 2, 2023
They Wont Let Me Be A Starving Artist. . .Just a quick take on the Supreme Court’s Decisions the last few days. There is plenty of commentary out there but still I feel the need to…Jul 2, 2023Jul 2, 2023
Verstehen, Charity, and SchemasI was writing this in ‘askphilosophy’ in reddit, but they are closed. They continue to sort out a dispute regarding their APIs, and the end…Jun 28, 2023Jun 28, 2023